Who watches the Watchmen?
I do, that's who.
Fuck the critics, they're always looking for reasons to hate a movie so they don't look like Stans, fuck the punks claiming that no film could do justice to the comic, Watchmen is the best comic book movie of the decade, possibly of all time.
Unlike The Dark Knight, which (let's face it kids) was essentially boosted to cult status by Heath Ledgers performance (BTW, if you haven't seen I'm Not There, the Bob Dylan bio-pic, get it out for 2 reasons. A: It's a killer film with great cinematography and an all round classic cast, but more importantly B: Heath Ledger uses almost the same accent he uses when he's playing The Joker, so if you close your eyes and listen you get a weird feeling that The Joker is a washed up musician arguing with his estranged wife. It's hella funny.)
Anyway, unlike TDK, Watchmen has phenomenal performances from pretty much every cast member, ass kicking action, epic scope with the story switching almost randomly through time periods and planets (Dr. Manhattan's glass palace on Mars is an amazing sequence) and the greatest anti-hero ever, Rorscharch.
It's worth the ticket price just to see Rorscharch tell a prison full of murderers and rapists "None of you seem to understand, I'm not locked in here with you... you're locked in here with me."
I know I sound like a nerdy Watchmen Stan, I don't really care. If you don't go see this film, it's your loss. And a big loss it will be.
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