Very few people watch as many directors commentaries as I do. I watch Directors Commentaries more than I watch regular films, to me it's far more interesting, and sometimes better than the actual film.
So here's my top directors commentaries. They're not in any particular order, they're just a few nice commentary tracks that jumped to mind. Some are informative, some are funny as hell, and some are both. But they're all worthwhile, so if you happen to own these bad boys then crack them out and give it a shot. I can say with almost certainty you'll enjoy most of them.
This is Spinal Tap

This is probably my fave commentary amongst them all, 'cos it features David St. Hubbins (Michael McKean) Nigel Tufnel (Christopher Guest)and Derek Smalls (Harry Shearer) riffing for an hour and a half, completely in character, and it's almost funnier than the film itself. Almost.
Notable classic lines:
Nigel: Do you still have that castle David?
David: No, I eventually had to sell it. The buyer demolished it and used the stones for a roadway cul de sac.
Derek: A roadway called De Sack?
Cannibal, the Musical

I wouldn't recommend this film to anyone, it's OK, but there's much better fare from the boys behind South Park. But it's worth it if you're 15 years old or reeeaaallly drunk. Or baked. Obviously.
However (again you need to be reeeeaaaaaaallly drunk. Or baked.) the DVD commentary actually improves this film, mainly because the participants are themselves, reeeeaaaalllly drunk. And probably baked.
Funny stuff.

Admittedly, you do need the 3 disc special edition to get these commentaries, but if you get a chance to watch Spaced with the commentary, go for the US commentaries. With mad guest spots like Quentin Tarantino, Kevin Smith and Patton Oswalt, they're well worth putting your ear to, because the only person who can outnerd Simon Pegg on film references is Quentin Tarantino, so you can almost hear the nerd bar being raised throughout the commentary. Plus, they're all pretty funny dudes.
Any Robert Rodriguez Film

All of Rodriguez' films have ace commentaries, full of info about the filmaking process and the cast. I would highly recommend listening to the El Mariachi commentary, to learn how to make a film for under $10,000, or From Dusk till Dawn, which is Rodriguez and Tarantino together. Killer gear.
Ross Noble

Ross Noble can talk for hours and hours about nothing. DVD commentaries were invented for people like him. If you ever get bored with the show, just listen to the commentaries for more non-sequiter crazyness. Just don't fall asleep with the commentary on, as you'll wake up to Ross ranting about angry badgers and automatic Hassidic Jews, and you won't know if you're still asleep or awake.
The Late Show

I could watch the Late Show forever, but I love the commentary that comes with this bad boy as well. Clearly put together by Tony Martin (who has definately seen more Directors Commentaries than I have) this is 6 1/2 hours of the full cast reminiscing and talking shit about the horrible 90's fashion. Well worth it.

Any of the commentaries for the Jackass (or indeed, any of the the spin-offs Viva La Bam, Wildboyz etc.) movies and TV shows are worth a listen, but the cast commentary on the first movie is probably the best. Self deprecation all round, and every line from Preston Lacy is gold, pure gold.
Notable funny lines:
Bam: Damn dude, look how fucking fat Phil is.
Preston: He's a medium build.
Well, there's my humble suggestions for the best DVD commentaries, so give them a shot.
You just might learn something, but probably not. At least most of them are good for a laugh.
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