Boy, was I wrong.
Now it appears the guy died in the closet of his Bangkok hotel room, possibly while engaging in a little auto erotic asphyxiation (insert INXS/Michael Hutchence gag here).
Now, I could be crass and make a bunch of "choking one off" style jokes, and there's a few in the reserve tank, so don't worry. If things get too serious, we can fall back on that classic vein of humour.
But I want to hit on a different issue for a moment, as i'm sure the breakfast radio shows have me covered for crass humour. I want to point out how rad this death is. Not the death itself, that's a tragic loss of a fantastic character actor. But let's be real, Carradine was old, and there's a lot worse ways to go than in a Bangkok hotel, apparently involved in a sex act, at 72 years of age.
For example, we may very soon be seeing this gravestone...
Again, no disrespect to Swayze, but it's not the best capper to an awesome life. However, something like this......
Is quite fitting in a way.
Carradine, we salute you.
The best of David Carradine (that I could find on Youtube)
David the Bullet Dodger.
...'cos he dodges bullets.
Carradine V Stallone
'nuff said.
Carradine on Superman
He's right, we are weak.
Enjoy kiddies.
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